Thursday, June 17, 2021

Back Again

I can't  believe it's been almost 11 years since I've posted on this blog. Instead of starting all over again, I'm  going to just continue using this one. Why? Because home is where we want to be. I started homeschooling way back in 2008. We just completed our 12th year. Given everything that is going on in our world today, I'm so grateful we already had a routine that didn't fall to pieces because of Covid-19. I felt so, I don't  know how to say it, sad and angry for everything the teachers and kids went through. The constant ups and downs, ins and outs, to put it lightly. I get it. I was so thankful though that we didn't have to add that onto our plate. I'm also so grateful that my kids haven't had to deal with everything else that's come about these last few years in the schools. Do I shelter my kids? Nope. I probably say more than I should. I sometimes wonder if I'm causing anxiety that I don't see. But then I remind myself that these issues are their life and they need to know about them. Anyway, I want my children to be proud of their country and of who they are.  I want them to have the confidence to reach for their dreams even if everyone tells them they can't. Most important of all, I want them to know that they are sons and daughters of God. They are in a fight for their lives, for their souls, and they need God at all times. Not just on Sunday, but every day, all day. Home can provide that place for them. It's a place of learning, intellectual, spiritual, social, physical, and emotional growth. I'm  continuing this blog so I can share with you what our life is like, so you can see that you don't need to be picture perfect, and neither does your house or your homeschool. There won't be any Pinterest perfect pictures, no professionally written blog posts, no perfect homemaking anything. This post probably comes across as harsh, not trying to, but I just wanted to lay it all out there. Hopefully I have something to share that can be of help.